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CORPORATE HOSPITALITY MONTH: Marrying excellence, technology & sustainability

The evolution of corporate hospitality in the UK has been driven by shifts in business culture, technological advancements, and changing expectations of what constitutes a meaningful corporate event. This article explores how corporate hospitality has adapted and transformed in recent years, reflecting broader trends in business and society, based on input for attendees at the Event Organisers Summit…

1. From Opulence to Experiential Events

Historically, corporate hospitality in the UK often leaned towards lavishness, with a focus on impressing clients and employees through luxury and opulence. The last decade, however, has seen a shift towards more experiential events. Businesses are now more inclined to offer unique, memorable experiences that resonate on a personal level with guests. This could range from interactive workshops to outdoor team-building activities, prioritising engagement and personal connection over sheer extravagance.

2. Emphasis on Personalisation

The era of ‘one-size-fits-all’ in corporate hospitality is fading. There is now a greater emphasis on personalising events to the specific interests and preferences of guests. This shift is partly facilitated by data analytics, enabling organisers to tailor events more precisely to their audience. Personalisation can manifest in customised event itineraries, personalised gifts, or even bespoke dining experiences, all aimed at making guests feel valued and recognised.

3. Integration of Technology

Technology has revolutionised the corporate hospitality sector in myriad ways. From the digitalisation of event booking and management processes to the use of apps for enhancing guest experiences, technology has made corporate hospitality more efficient and interactive. Virtual and augmented reality technologies are also being employed to create immersive experiences, especially in situations where physical hosting is not possible.

4. Focus on Sustainability

There has been a growing awareness of environmental issues and a push towards sustainability in corporate hospitality. Companies are increasingly opting for eco-friendly venues, using local and sustainable food sources, and minimising waste at their events. This shift not only reflects corporate social responsibility but also resonates with guests who are environmentally conscious.

5. The Impact of Social Media

Social media has had a significant impact on corporate hospitality. It has become a tool for amplifying event experiences, with the potential for events to gain visibility and engagement beyond the immediate attendees. This has led to a focus on creating ‘shareable’ moments or experiences that guests are eager to post about on their social channels.

6. Adapting to Changing Business Environments

The corporate hospitality sector has had to be adaptable, especially in the face of challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This has led to innovative approaches, such as virtual events and hybrid models that combine physical and digital elements, ensuring continuity and resilience in uncertain times.


Corporate hospitality in the UK has undergone significant changes over the last decade, moving towards more personalised, experiential, and sustainable events. This evolution reflects broader societal shifts and the integration of technology in the business world. As we look to the future, it is likely that these trends will continue, with an emphasis on creating meaningful and memorable experiences that align with corporate values and the expectations of modern audiences.

Are you on the hunt for Corporate Hospitality solutions? The Event Organisers Summit can help!

Photo by Pelle Martin on Unsplash


Stuart O'Brien

All stories by: Stuart O'Brien