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EVENT BADGING MONTH: From design to data – How choose the best solutions

The humble delegate badge plays a crucial role far beyond simply displaying a name. It’s a tool for networking, security, branding, and creating a seamless attendee experience. Event managers tasked with selecting the best badging solutions for their events must consider several key factors. Here are top tips to guide you through this important decision…

  1. Understand Your Event Needs: Before delving into badging solutions, clarify the specific requirements of your event. Are you hosting a large-scale expo with thousands of attendees or a smaller, more intimate conference? Will your event involve VIP areas, multiple session tracks, or workshops? Understanding these nuances is critical in choosing a badge that suits your event’s unique needs.
  2. Prioritise Legibility and Design: A badge should be first and foremost legible. Ensure the font size is large enough to be read from a reasonable distance. The design of the badge also matters – it should reflect the event’s branding and ethos. Consider leaving space for attendees to write additional information, like social media handles or areas of interest.
  3. Opt for Durable Materials: The hustle and bustle of events can be tough on badges. Choose materials that are durable and can withstand a few days of active use. Laminated paper, plastic, or compostable materials are popular choices, each offering different levels of durability and environmental impact.
  4. Incorporate Technology for Enhanced Experience: Technology can significantly enhance the functionality of badges. QR codes, RFID chips, or NFC technology can be integrated into badges for various purposes, such as access control, tracking attendance, facilitating contact exchange, or cashless transactions.
  5. Consider Sustainability: With a growing emphasis on environmental responsibility, consider eco-friendly options. Recycled materials, biodegradable badges, or digital badges are excellent choices that minimise environmental impact.
  6. Security Features are Key: For events with security concerns, incorporate features such as holograms, watermarks, or colour-coding to distinguish between different types of attendees, staff, and VIPs. This can help manage access to specific areas and enhance overall security.
  7. Facilitate Networking: Badges can be a powerful networking tool. Think about adding elements that encourage interaction, like a list of interests, a conversation starter, or even colour coding to signify different industries or specialisations.
  8. Ease of Collection and Distribution: Consider the logistics of badge distribution. Easy collection points, self-service kiosks, or mailed-out badges can enhance the attendee experience right from the start.
  9. Budget Appropriately: Balance quality with cost. While it’s tempting to cut costs on something as seemingly simple as badges, remember that they are a key part of the attendee experience and worth investing in.
  10. Gather Feedback for Future Events: After the event, gather feedback about the badges. What did attendees like or dislike? This information is invaluable for making improvements for future events.

In summary, selecting the best badging solution for events involves a careful consideration of the event’s specific needs, badge design and legibility, durability, technology integration, sustainability, security features, networking facilitation, distribution logistics, budget, and feedback. With these factors in mind, event managers can choose badges that not only identify attendees but also enhance their event experience.

Are you looking for event Registration and Badging solutions? The Event Organisers Summit can help!

Photo by Jaime Lopes on Unsplash


Stuart O'Brien

All stories by: Stuart O'Brien